The following article was published in the Lethbridge Herald on June 4th. This is my last submission to the Lethbridge Herald for the 2013-14 school year.
With the month of June arriving, the end of the school year is not far behind. This will be my last superintendent’s column for the year and so I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Lethbridge Herald for allowing these weekly columns from superintendents in the area. In this changing world of education that we live in, communication is essential in keeping our stakeholders well informed. But the opportunity for local superintendents to write a weekly update provides important information to a large sector of our population that doesn’t necessarily have direct ties with the school community.
Over the past year, the majority of the articles written have focused on the changing face of education rather than specific initiatives in divisions. Although this may not seem particularly significant, it demonstrates the high level of camaraderie that exists between our local superintendents. While none of us were hired by our resident boards to maintain the status quo, and our first allegiance must always to be our own division, we all fully understand the importance of speaking with one voice when it comes to what is best for students. That is why there has been a consistent message throughout the year about the importance of continually evolving the present system to better meet the needs of the students of today and tomorrow.
My superintendent colleagues from across the province are gifted leaders. Each is guided by research and high levels of professional judgment with a goal to create an even better educational system than currently exists. The consistency of messaging demonstrates, not only the commitment we all have to bringing about the vision of Inspiring Education, but also how closely we work together, how we collaborate and how we learn from each other.
While some school divisions have communication officers, the vast majority of communications come through the office of the superintendent. Divisions utilize blogs and press releases and have invested heavily in social media, like Twitter and Facebook, to increase the likelihood of getting their message out. The Lethbridge Herald has provided an additional avenue for local school systems to communicate with the public. This initiative, now completing its second year, has provided readers with more than just a glimpse of what is happening in the classrooms of today. It is an opportunity well appreciated by local superintendents and a service required by our public.
Thank you Lethbridge Herald!