2022 archive

Board Development

One of my most interesting consulting roles that I’ve fallen into after retiring from the superintendent position has been working with local school boards. My initial work has been board orientations, focusing much of the time on defining their “why” and providing a deep understanding of their role and that of the superintendent. Later this …

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Curriculum Development Requires Teachers

Early in my senior education career, I remember then Deputy Minister Maria David-Evans, speaking about how Alberta was a world class education system. One of her key points was the importance of a strong centralized curriculum. While not always perfect, no curriculum is, Alberta has always been recognized as having a strong curriculum that jurisdictions …

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System leaders need affirmation too!

Most of my blog posts have typically focused on leadership however, with this pandemic and especially lately, I have tried to write about the impact of the pandemic on teachers. While many still believe in the myth of the 9-3 teacher, teaching has never been easy, and it is even more difficult and complex today! …

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Being selfish

I try and stay socially connected to the education world through my Twitter account and what I’ve been seeing is pretty disheartening. Educators are feeling exhausted, disrespected, frustrated and little angry too! I know that most social media platforms allow a person to “sound off” without much care on the impact of their words…but what …

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Start with your best and then get better!

Depending on where you are in North America, educators are either preparing for students to return to in school learning or preparing to offer online education in the coming days. Regardless of the decision made by governments, a high degree of stress is present. This newest variant, which is by far the most transmissible, is …

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Some early reflections!

It is almost two years to the day that I retired from the role of Superintendent of Schools. That means, that I retired pre-pandemic. There was certainly a time when education was easier, but I cannot imagine a time when education was more difficult than during these past two years. It does not matter where …

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