Most of my blog posts have typically focused on leadership however, with this pandemic and especially lately, I have tried to write about the impact of the pandemic on teachers. While many still believe in the myth of the 9-3 teacher, teaching has never been easy, and it is even more difficult and complex today!
Today I want to focus on system leaders and the additional stress that this pandemic has placed on those in charge or in support of entire school divisions. During the last couple of weeks, I have had the good fortune of connecting with many of my former colleagues and to say that they are leading in unprecedented times would be an understatement.
When I retired in January 2020, I had the good fortune of having worked with boards who appreciated and valued my leadership. Over an 11-year tenure as superintendent, I was able to gather a team of some of the greatest central office leaders to support the mission of the division. Equally or even more important was the stellar leaders who led our schools and teachers and support staff who made the magic happen in the classrooms. The last advantage I had as a long-standing superintendent was a strong connection with our parents and communities. They knew me and they trusted me in always desiring to do what was best for students.
I would be insulting to my readers if I said that my tenure was not difficult at times as there were trials and tribulations along the way. But those blips were usually minor or at the very least not long lasting. While always trying to give others credit for a job well done, I always felt affirmed in the position and a great satisfaction for the job. I question whether I would have those same sentiments if I were still in the position during this pandemic world.
COVID has created a very divided country and those divisions live in our school systems too! System leaders are walking through a minefield trying to support ALL and give voice to MANY! They are being pulled in every direction possible and any decision being made is always wrong to someone and usually that someone is voicing his displeasure loudly and often inappropriately.
Leading a system is a very tough in the best of scenarios but now, it requires almost superpowers. Dealing with staff and student absenteeism to ensure learning continues even though it is like having a never-ending penalty and constantly playing shorthanded is just one of the new challenges facing leaders. The decision to remain in school or move to at home learning does not just happen without some sort of thought. Closing one program to prop up another, keeping board members very aware of new nuances and of course working with a government who has demonstrated the absolute best of poor leadership.
People are frustrated as we approach our second-year anniversary of living with COVID in Alberta. We have lost vulnerable lives and closed the doors on businesses. People have been negatively impacted on a mental health spectrum not ever seen before. Family and other social interactions have been curbed to stop the spread and so many more issues have arisen due to this pandemic. Not to say that this is the first pandemic that people have the choice to be vaccinated or not.
The greatest leaders bring people together. They build cohesive teams, and they move toward the preferred future. That is significant work in itself but place the DIVIDE mentality of COVID into the mix and you begin to see the need for superpowers. I applaud system leaders of today and would suggest more should do so as they are leading through an educational crisis better than any others would be able to do.
I have said this before, but it is so applicable right now, “Its easy to criticize from the cheap seats when you don’t have any skin in the game.” The role of the superintendent, director or system leader is complex, and few can do it. So, before you begin to criticize your system leaders, I would suggest you get your head out of your @ss because you don’t know what you don’t know!
Thank you, for your words of wisdom and affirmation. They really hit home. Much appreciated!
Thanks Simone! I think it is really important to recognize the excellent job that system leaders are doing in these tumultuous times. Please share as you wish!