Looking Back at 2024

It is pretty unreal that we have already come to the end of 2024. Time certainly passes quickly as you get older but also it passes quickly when life is good. I continue to feel very blessed with the life that my wife Donna and I have and the closeness we have to our own children and our grandchildren.

This past year as been busy (not compared to the life of a superintendent) as I continue to support the work of school boards and board associations. Governance, leadership, strategic planning and evaluations tend to be the focus of my work. A couple of boards have asked me to stretch myself and provide a workshop outside my norm and I’ve certainly appreciated that opportunity. With municipal elections being held in October 2025, I’m expecting a fair amount of work in terms of board orientations. In fact, I already have three dates in my calendar for post election.

It is really affirming to see the work of boards, senior administration and ultimately in the classroom during the most complex times in education. The boards or at least the majority of trustees on boards that I have the pleasure to work with are committed to increasing the governance knowledge, abilities and practices. I appreciate how these boards are interested in being “pushed” to be better and not simply wanting a pat on the back. Kids are too important for governance and administration not to want to improve!

My work has allowed me to travel the province and see the nuances of each community and then how it is reflected in board strategic plans and actions. I’ve also had the pleasure of working in Yellowknife multiple times which is a beauty in itself. Work has also taken me as far west as Kelowna, BC and as far east as Montreal, Quebec. WestJet has become my new best friend!!!

One of my most affirming contracts is with Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Education Authority (KTCEA). When I first began, my sole work was to act as a board mentor and support effective governance. I’m so proud of their work and in my learning around Indigenous governance and the impact it is having on the students. While I continue to support the work of the board, I’m also working with school and system leaders on instructional practice. One of the highlights in the draft development of specific KTCEA teaching and leadership quality standards. With these documents in hand, school leaders are focused on teaching practice when they are in classrooms. I spend four days a month in schools, working with principals and assisting them in their continued development as instructional leaders.

I still act as an Education Advisor for Nelson Canada and provide about a day a week to support their many products including Edwin. Having experienced Edwin as a superintendent and knowing the lack of quality, safe, curated and curriculum aligned resources, I fully support the implementation of this digital backpack in all divisions across Canada. Simply put, it is a game changer for not only teachers but students too!

Next year looks to be as exciting as this year with a number of contracts in place and others to be finalized shortly. I’m already booked for a couple of presentations at uLead and the Mental Health Summit, which if anybody knows me, is certainly my “jam.”  Anytime I can talk or teach about leadership, I’m all in!

For those wanting to follow me beyond this blog, LinkedIn has become my preferred business social media connection, and I’ve also started an Instagram account @cdsmeatonconsulting. Unfortunately, “X” has not lived up to what “Twitter” was and so I’ve dropped that social media platform.

On a personal note, Donna and I celebrated 41 years of marriage this past year and we love living close and being part of our grandchildren’s lives. We have an athlete and an artist, and both are exceling in school. We had to move my dad into a home this past summer as his dementia was at a point where it was not safe for him to be at home. The transition has gone well for both he and my mom. I can’t be too busy as I played some 50 rounds of golf this past year and as of yesterday, already played 27 games of hockey this season with my old timers crew.

With that, I say goodbye to 2024 and send my best wishes to all for a joyous 2025!