What if…

It has been quite some time since I last posted, but I’ve made it a priority to write more often and share my thoughts. To begin this new year I want to start with a simple “What if…” post! We’ve come through a couple of difficult years and to say that our communities are divided would be an understatement. This post is meant to cause those reading to reflect on what may be, if we just did some things differently in the new year. So here goes!

What if all politicians moved more to the middle creating less of a divide in our population?

What if politicians spoke more about what they were going to do or are doing when in power instead of badmouthing the opposition?

What if politicians regardless of the party, decided to work together?

What if our media really provided an unbiased view of the news?

What if parents really took on the responsibility of raising their own children and not blaming everyone else when things don’t go right?

What if we truly supported parents in the raising of their children rather than simply “hoping for the best?”

What if we lifted up are most marginalized populations rather than putting them down?

What if we demonstrated to our children the love of the game rather than promoting a winning at all costs attitude?

What if politicians and leaders in our nation acted responsibly and demonstrated proper decorum rather than acting like two year olds having temper tantrums?

What if people shared their opinions respectfully and listened to others’ in the same way?

What if we really decided to act on and not just speak about truth and reconciliation?

What if educators really received the public trust and respect that they deserved?

What if governments and unions actually came to the table with a desire to work together and build a strong relationship?

What if we really did something to ensure a strong middle class?

What if we found a way that our religious differences could bring us closer together instead of farther apart?

What if we used our own gifts for the betterment of others instead of just for ourselves?

What if we stopped racism and all aspects of discrimination?

What if we played a little more and worked a little less?

What if we spent more quality time with our loved ones?

What if we gave more and took less?

What if we were simply more kind, more caring and more compassionate?

Simply complaining about the state of affairs in our world will get us nowhere. If we want a better world then we need to begin to look at how we can do things differently in this new year. Every change begins with one simple act. What if…you did that?

1 Comment

    • Sean on January 1, 2023 at 5:22 PM

    Love it, all good actions to take.

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