Finding your PLN

I recently read an article published in the ATA News suggesting that teacher’s autonomy and choice for pursuing growth plan goals had slipped. The article, “Teachers want a balanced approach to PD” is based on longitudinal data from the Alberta Teachers’ Association. In the ATA 2010 PD Survey only 44.4% of respondents reported a high degree of autonomy and choice in pursuing growth plan goals. This was compared to 51% in 2009. This one year dramatic drop (6.6%) has produced the opinion of the writer that, “teachers no longer feel as confident as they once did that they are in control of their own growth plans.”

Teacher growth in Alberta is governed by the Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation Policy set forth by Alberta Education. This policy was a vast improvement to the cyclical evaluations that occurred in the past by making the assumption of competence for those teachers on continuous contracts. As a result of this policy, teachers are required to complete an annual professional growth plan that:

(i) reflects goals and objectives based on an assessment of learning needs by the individual teacher,

(ii) shows a demonstrable relationship to the teaching quality standard, and

(iii) takes into consideration the education plans of the school, the school authority and the Government, or the program statement of an ECS operator;

In the perfect world, systems and schools develop plans that align with their mission, vision and values and support the goals of the province or state. These plans are developed in a collaborative culture with considerable staff and community engagement. This alignment (in theory) should be carried through to the individual teacher to ensure that everybody in the entire system is moving in the same direction. However, in the imperfect world that we live in, various permutations of the above actually occurs. From my vantage point as a superintendent, it is a challenge finding the right  balance between achieving alignment and providing autonomy to our teachers.

The autonomy and choice of professional learning speaks of relevance and engagement. And I would suggest that finding a Personal Learning Network through social media like Twitter, can provide that autonomy and choice. Since engaging with Twitter in June 2010, I have been able to connect with and learn from educational gurus, trustees, administrators, teachers, parents, and community members. I’ve been involved in Twitter chats based on my need to learn or from simple interest. I have the choice of having it in the background constantly, checking it once a day or once a week… the choice is mine. I can search what I want and connect/follow with who I want. Twitter allows me complete autonomy.

But more importantly, Twitter has allowed me to connect with others who challenge my thinking and provide me with alternate perspectives. I get to express my thoughts and test my theories. I read more! I write more! I think more! I learn more! And… it is all about what I want or what I need. So the next time you want choice in your professional learning, engage in Twitter and find your PLN.

Beyond the Classroom: The Importance of Culture

Over the last couple of weeks I presented to a group of aspiring leaders and our own administrators about what governs education. The first part of the presentation is fairly straightforward. In education, we are primarily governed by legislation, collective agreements, board policy, administrative procedures and, for Catholic school divisions, Canon Law or diocesan rules. It is important for all educators (especially aspiring or current leaders) to have an understanding of these “governors,” as they provide context into the “hows” and “whys” from a system perspective. However, the silent “govenor,” and potentially the most powerful, is… CULTURE!!! To really address culture in education, you need far more than a 3-hour workshop or a short blog post. However, I hope my comments will create some fertile ground to allow for further discussions and more in-depth studies.

I began to really study the impact of culture when working with Wayne Hulley and Linda Dier, co-authors of “Harbors of Hope.” Their passion to create hope in our classrooms, our schools and our systems is essential for student success. Their work with effective schools research in Canada really set the stage for my own beliefs and in my direction toward building positive and impactful cultures.  I also learned that culture can be deep rooted, seemingly woven right into the very walls of the school or the structure of the system. And that… is why culture remains one of the most difficult changes in educational reform.

Although there are many types of cultures that must exist in a school, I want to concentrate on three that I have recommended to our leadership group and new administrators. These are not all encompassing, but I truly believe that their existence would create a powerful and positive learning environment for staff and students.

1. Culture of Professionalism: It is always bothersome when I hear the old adage, “Those who can, do – and those who can’t, teach!” There’s a little more salt rubbed into the wounds when I read of the high professional status held by teachers in Finland. It is disappointing that teachers have not garnered the professional status that I believe they deserve. Since everybody has gone through the school system, there tends to be an automatic belief that they understand the special skills that a teacher possesses to “teach”.  And quite frankly, if everybody could do it, we wouldn’t have teacher preparation programs lasting 4-6 years to learn the craft. Part of the definition of a profession is having specialized knowledge and, in truth, that is what teachers possess. Parents know their children better than anybody else, but good teachers know how to teach! Now, here’s where the professional piece lies: that distinct and specialized knowlege must be the most effective, most efficient and the latest proven research-based. It cannot be the same strategy that we employed 10 years ago unless it is the most effective, most efficient and the latest proven research-based! To take a page from Richard Dufour’s story of eye surgery, I’ll use my shoulder as an example. I have had numerous shoulder surgeries over a 30 year period for the same ailment. My first surgery required a scar of 3+ inches; my last surgery (8 years ago), required 3 small incisions. Both surgeries were effective but if I need another, which one am I going to choose? It is the same in education! Professionals are always looking for the newest methods. They don’t say, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” or “I’ve only got two years left so why learn something new!” We deserve to be held in high esteem in society, but unfortunately we have to earn it by continuing to exude the highest degree of professional practice. A culture of professionalism in your school produces excitement for staff, parents and especially students.

2. Culture of Learning: We’ve come a long way from “I teach! You learn!” to “I teach so that you can learn!” A culture of learning speaks to me in two distinct ways. The first is that a culture of learning shifts the focus from the teacher to the student. In a culture of learning, teaching is aligned and re-aligned to meet the needs of the learner. Teachers utilize differentiated instruction and assessment strategies (note – specialized knowedge) to ensure success for the learner. The “stand and deliver” and “one size fits all” methods of the past are strictly teacher directed and don’t support a professional culture. Classrooms now (or they should be) learner directed. The second aspect of a culture of learning exists for educators themselves. Effective teachers are constant lifelong learners. Learning is about stretching yourself, risk taking and, as I’ve said many times before, failing forward. It is about being creative and innovative. It is about honing your craft which is all about learning. And in today’s world, the learning comes through various means – from colleagues, from administrators, from post-secondary institutions, from social media (a big plug for Twitter) and even from students. Schools today cannot be teaching facilities, but rather learning communities where everybody is involved in the learning process. That is a true culture of learning.

3. Culture of Collaboration: The one room school house of the past created an extremely isolated profession. Many teachers still continue to work on their own because it is how they were trained and it is far easier (in the short run). Collaboration is hard work and it can be messy. It begins with class visits, co-planning, sharing best practices but needs to move beyond those infantile stages. Disciplined collaboration requires teachers to free themselves from everything except the student learning at hand. And that means sharing your successes and your failures. It takes time and it takes patience but most of all it takes commitment. The children entering our schools today are vastly different from even 10 years ago and the pressures placed on education and specifically educators continues to grow. Without collaboration, we will never be able to create the environment  required to transform our education system.

Leaders are instrumental in setting the stage for a positive culture in their schools and systems but it is the staff that must take the responsibility. In this day and age when education is being over scrutinized, there are many things that we do not control. However, we all have the ability to influence culture. Culture is less about working conditions and much more about conditions of work. And when conditions of work are highly professional, focused on learning and collaboration based well… that’s just good for educators and for students.


From the Desk of the Superintendent- February 2012

It is hard to believe that we are entering the 2nd half of the school year. Semester 1 is completed and diploma exams are finished for our high school students. Plus, we have certainly not experienced the winter weather that is typical for this time of year. With the exception of a short cold snap, a couple of weeks ago, and some hurricane force winds, our winter season has been fairly mild.

The January Board meeting was highlighted by a presentation from St. Joseph School in Coaldale. Val Leahy and Zac Coupland introduced the board to their exciting project, “Gone with the Wind!” With the successful grant application to BP Energy of $10,000.00, the school was able to purchase a solar array and 20 iPods. However, the project quickly developed into further “green solutions” with St. Joseph being the recipient of a wind turbine through the cooperation of Enmax. The Board was extremely appreciative of the update, impressed by the work of Mrs. Leahy and Mr. Coupland, and excited about the many future learning possibilities for students at St. Joseph School. For more information on the Board meeting, please see the Board Meeting Briefs.  

The West side public consultation occurred in January, with over 120 people in attendance from the school communities of St. Patrick FAE, Children of St. Martha and Father Leonard van Tighem. The event produced a wealth of feedback on questions designed by the multi-school committee, who sought direction on topics that included boundaries, transportation, programming and configurations. An additional 100+ participant forms were also submitted electronically to provide the opportunity for additional feedback. The Board has been presented with the raw data and directed me to provide a report with potential scenarios, recommendations and further questions at the next board meeting. On behalf of the Board and Senior Administration, I would like to thank all of the participants for their input.

February marks the beginning of the registration process for our schools. Advertisements have been placed in school newsletters, our division website and both print and radio media to highlight this date. However, the best advertisement of our system comes from within our community, our staff, our students and our parents. I would encourage all of you to promote your schools and the division as a whole. I am very proud of the high quality Catholic education that we provide at Holy Spirit. We are able to address the spiritual, academic, emotional, social and physical needs of our students in a Christ-centred environment. Our commitment to transform education to better prepare our students for the 21st century and be inclusive in our approach continues to be a focus in our division.  In the next few days, you will receive our 2010-11 Annual Report which provides testimony of our many successes and strengths of the division. If you would like further copies of this report for your business or personal use, please contact your local school or central office directly.

On February 9th, the provincial budget will be announced. We are hopeful that the budget will provide long term, predictable and stable funding for education. The return of 107 million to school boards by Premier Redford was certainly a welcome to this year’s budget. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to allocate the total amount received (approximately $667,000) back into staffing. It will be interesting to see if and how the current tripartite discussions impact the education budget. These negotiations involve the provincial government, Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Alberta School Boards Association and to date, no agreements have been announced. Stay tuned after the budget for more information.

And finally, February brings about the beginning of our Lenten journey. In Lent, we are asked to engage in purposeful action. We are called and our response must be immediate to put Christ in the middle of our lives in preparation for the death and resurrection of our Lord.  As we enter the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday on February 22nd, we are reminded to see Christ in ourselves and in others and be Christ-like in our thoughts and actions. It is an opportunity to share our many gifts through sacrifice and almsgiving to those in need. And most importantly we humbly pray and ask the Lord for continual guidance in God’s ways. May God bless you this Lenten season!

Transforming curriculum

“Transformative change refers to changing the education system by re-examining student needs, how we teach students, what we teach them, how to better engage communities in educating students and how research can be harnessed to inform change.” This quote is taken from the Alberta Education Action Agenda 2011-14. This document was followed up with Framework for Student Learning: Competencies for Engaged Thinkers, Ethical Citizens with an Entrepreneurial Spirit. This powerful framework ensures that the student is at the heart of everything that we do in education and realizes that literacy and numeracy are foundational to student learning. It further defines the competencies required for students in the 21st century:

  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Social, Cultural, Global and Environmental Responsibility
  • Communication
  • Digital and Technological Fluency
  • Lifelong Learning, Personal Management and Well-Being
  • Collaboration and Leadership

Alberta Education has been a leader in engaging stakeholders through their Action on Curriculum agenda. In 2011, they hosted three separate research roundtables on curriculum that “brought together education partners and stakeholders to share, interpret, review and discuss research, literature reviews and article summaries, and share practical experiences and knowledge.” Action on Curriculum- Summary of Findings Research Roundtables 1, 2 and 3. Each roundtable discussed key concepts.

  • Roundtable 1: Competencies, Literacy and Numeracy, Interdisciplinary Learning
  • Roundtable 2: Ways of Knowing, Student-centred/Personalized Leaning, Breadth and Depth, Interdisciplinary Curriculum
  • Roundtable 3: Flexible Timing and Packing in a Variety of Learning Environments, Responsive Curriculum, Assessment of Competencies, Assessment

Alberta has long been a world leader in education and there is no doubt that one of its greatest strengths in the past has been its curriculum. However, as I look at this new research and review other world class education systems, I fear that our curriculum may be becoming an increasing weakness. The content is massive and often unengaging for many students. Teachers struggle just to cover the curriculum, especially in the Provincial Achievement and Diploma Exam years, just in case it is a question on the test. The ability to go deep into concepts of interest to students is literally denied because of  the sheer number of outcomes. Rather than a richness of curricular outcomes where all students discover their passions and strengths, we are somewhat forced to offer a factory line production.

The work being done at the provincial level needs to continue but I’m not sure whether the massive reconstruct envisioned by Curriculum Redesign will be accomplished any time soon. And quite frankly, that is not fair to the students, especially high school students currently in our schools. Locally we need to make some quick adjustments to ensure that we are in fact meeting the needs of today’s students. The question is, “Will local divisions, local administration, local teachers and local communities be given permission to make curriculum transformative and meet the vision of Alberta Education or will we just continue to be forced to cover content in order to meet the plethora of outcomes?”


Accountability in Education

Earlier this year, the Minister of Education, Thomas Lukaszuk, communicated that the provincial government spends 33 million dollars daily to fund education in Alberta. For the average Albertan, that number is staggering and in all likelihood elicits questions like, “Where are they spending that type of money?” or “Why are they spending that amount of money?” These questions are certainly understandable given an aging population that has little direct connection to schools today. Furthermore, to this aging population, health care is of highest priority. It would therefore be easy to rationalize that there needs to be accountability in education. The amount of the provincial budget spent on education requires accountability…period! 

There are those that suggest that education should not have any type of accountability. Quite honestly, I have a really difficult time understanding that position. Our entire society is built on accountability. The issue, I firmly believe, is, ‘What are we accountable for?’ We cannot simply say no to accountability or we are viewed as shirking our responsibility. However, we do need to fight for an accountability that enhances our systems, our schools, the professionalism of our educators and most importantly our students’ success.  In other words, “Accountability makes no sense when it undermines the larger goals of education.”- Diane Ravitch

Organizations that rank schools based on test data have done a great disservice to students and have further engrained the word “accountability” as a swear word. The larger goals of education have little to do with high stakes testing. They have their place, but they cannot be viewed as the only way to make a system or school accountable. In a recent interview, Pasi Sahlberg, Director General of the Ministry of Education in Helsinki, Finland stated, “America is a good example of how data from standardized tests is used to judge individual schools or teachers. But the tests were not designed to judge teachers or schools. They were designed to judge student progress.” Statistics research would suggest that a representative sample would accomplish the ability to gage student progress more effectively, as illustrated by the current practice in Finland.

Part of our issue regarding accountability is the disconnect between what the general public believes education should teach and what research is overwhelmingly supporting. Literacy and numeracy will always need to be staples in education, but not from a “back to the basics” premise. We require students who have the ability to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Solely covering the content of a curriculum must be replaced by the development of  problem solving, creativity, analytical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills within an inclusive, ethical, and action orientated system. And those skills are far more difficult to measure, especially within the current accountability system.  What we need are bold schools as suggested by Will Richardson.

Often accountability systems are built based on what is easiest to measure. Test data and survey results are relatively easy to collect. However, the larger goals of education are not that simple and therefore not easily measured.  “What’s really important in education?” needs to be debated by all of us in and out of education. As educators we cannot simply ignore the need for accountability. Instead we must fight for what really counts and then measure that!

Forwarding the conversation

One of the commitments that I made to my staff in August was to visit every classroom and meet with every staff before the Christmas break. I finished these visits in mid-December. Part of my goal for these visits was to engage staff on why I believe that schools and education as a whole need to be transformed. Unfortunately, some of my message was lost due to  examples I used in describing why we need to change, continue to hone our skills and simply do things differently. However, although quite disappointed that my intent was not viewed positively by some staff, I still intend to forward that conversation. As an educational leader, it is far too important and I am far too passionate to let a little criticism stand in the way of conversations about educational reform.

One of my points was that in order to transform education, we need to fully engage the community. In Jamie Vollmer’s words, we need community trust, understanding, permission and support to truly make any significant change in education. This point was further drilled home to me as I visited with my parents over the Christmas holidays. Both being semi-retired, they represent a significant population that have little to do with the day to day education system in our province. Even though they are fairly well informed because of my involvement in education over the past 26 years, I found it ironic that their perceptions of education were still fairly limited. And that is why all of us in education need to forward the conversation on transformation.

So here are some thoughts that I believe we need to engage our public in order to transform the system. However, it needs to come from local educators and not provincial organizations. Parents and the community at large  trust their own local educators more than anybody else.

  1. The schools of today need to be very different than they were before. We can ill afford to have students not graduate from high school. The opportunities today for a middle/upper class lifestyle without a high school education and only due to a strong back and a good work ethic are few and far between. Too often the result of not graduating high school is either a journey to the justice or welfare systems. Neither of these “career paths” are acceptable to society.
  2. With not graduating from high school not being an acceptable option, we now are required to be successful with all students. Teachers are being asked to meet the needs of all students in their classrooms. This requires a teacher to have multiple strategies to engage all students simultaneously. Differentiated instruction and assessment are no longer optional in today’s classrooms. I don’t believe most non-educators understand the amount of work required to differentiate a classroom.
  3. One of the reasons that teachers are professionals is that they possess a specialized knowledge. Although all of us have gone through school, the life of a teacher in the classroom can only really be learned through experience. Outsiders may think they know what happens in a classroom but until you’ve actually experienced it as an educator, most are really unaware of the professional practice required. Except for the technology, there have not been many changes in the physical structure of the classroom or doctor’s office. But it is the practice occurring within those structures that demonstrates the specialized knowledge. And like the doctor, that specialized knowledge needs to be supportive of the latest research and the most effective and efficient.
  4. Assessing student success cannot be limited to a single written exam. We need multiple assessments for students to demonstrate learning. Some students can perform the task, others can verbally describe, while still others are great on paper and pencil tests. Unfortunately, we limit the description of being a successful student to the one who performs well on the written exam.  How fair is that? In reality, what do we really want to accomplish in education and is it measurable? “The central task of education is to implant a will and a facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grandparents, parents, and children are students together. In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.” (Eric Hoffer- Reflections on the Human Condition, 1973)
  5. The mandate creep in education has become unmanageable. School systems are expected to pick up the slack from society. What was once taught at home, at church or in the community is now expected to be picked up at the school.  Great organizations know what their core business is and then organize around those priorities. The priorities of school have long been put aside to meet the deficiencies of society. Schools cannot focus on their core business, namely education without support from communities.

These points are only the beginning of the conversations needed. Accountability, curriculum and the professional status of educators are also important conversations that need to occur and I will blog about in the future. Furthermore, there are some incredible leaders who utilize social media to further these conversations. Check out Sir Ken Robinson, Will Richardson or Pasi Sahlberg who are passionate leaders of educational reform. But as I’ve said before, transformation begins with a conversation.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing you’ve always done and expecting different results. If education doesn’t change from both inside and outside the system we will continue to engage in insanity. Local educators… forward the conversation and assist in making a system not for today but for tomorrow!



From the Desk of the Superintendent- January 2012

Happy New Year and welcome to 2012. I have certainly enjoyed the time off between Christmas and New Year. It is always wonderful to have some extra time to spend with the loved ones in our lives. I’m coming back to work fully rested and ready to take on an extremely busy January… even as I enter another decade!!! Who said 50 was old???

December always seems to fly by in a blur due to the bedlam of activity that occurs in our schools and throughout the division. I try and make it a point to get out to the schools for as many Advent and Christmas activities as possible in December. Although I’ve seen my fair share of concerts and other activities over the years, I’m always excited to see the many talents of our staff and students at this time of the year. These talents share the Christmas message which is foundational to our Catholic schools. Thanks to all involved for their time commitment and more importantly their faith commitment to ensuring that Christmas is about Christ.

The December Board meeting was highlighted by a presentation on Alberta Schools Wind Power Project. The Board passed a motion to be part of the Wind Power Project which will provide long term predictable costs and a great benefit to the environment. Other highlights included: Presentation of the 2012 Infrastructure Maintenance Renewal Plan, CUPE 1825 contract ratification, and the transfer of funds from capital reserves to finance the two additional modulars for St. Patrick Fine Arts Elementary. For more information on the board meeting, please see the Board Meeting Briefs.  

January begins with a special ASBA meeting on the 9th for Board Chairs, Superintendents and Secretary Treasurers to discuss the progress of the current tripartite discussions being held. There is no doubt that while the desire for long term sustainable funding and labor peace is the goal, I am concerned that some decisions made at the provincial level could have a negative impact on our local system. Although the relationships between the Alberta Education, Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) and the Alberta School Boards’ Association (ASBA) are much improved, negotiations have an ability to cause lines to be drawn and ultimatums to be given. Let’s hope that our students and our staff are not negatively impacted by these decisions.

Another big event will be our west side public consultation hosted by Children of St. Martha School. All parents and staff from St. Patrick Fine Arts Elementary, Children of St. Martha and Father Leonard van Tighem are invited to this event on January 16th beginning at 6:30 PM. Please click here for the link to register. A small committee of parents and staff from each of the three schools and senior administration have been working together to provide some potential options to ensure the best utilization of our west side schools. The input provided will assist the Board in their long term planning.  

Finally, the Board of Trustees and Senior Administration will be busy as they begin their staff appreciation lunches in January. This is the third year that the Board has been involved in providing lunches for our staffs. These luncheons serve as a token of appreciation for their excellent work and dedication. It is a great opportunity for board members and senior administration to mingle with the staff at each school and further recognize their positive impact made on the students of Holy Spirit and the community at large.

In closing, I would like to leave you with this New Years Prayer video. May God Bless you in 2012.

Christmas Message to Staff

Life in education is certainly busy. It seems like only yesterday when we began the year, I addressed you and asked, “Do you love me?” and was met with complete silence… and then laughter! Most people who are not in the education system cannot fully appreciate how busy the days are in our school lives. And that is why we put our heads down in September and when we look up again, we are already approaching the Christmas season. When you are in the moment and that seems like all of the time in education, it is hard to “stop and smell the roses.” Yet, as we come into this Christmas season and prepare for our break, that is exactly what we must do. 

While driving to my next concert or assembly during this season, I have time to stop and smell the roses. The radio stations are now on full Christmas carol mode and although the song, “Grandma just got run over by a reindeer” causes me to laugh, “O Holy Night” allows me to reflect. I reflect on the wonder of that most holy night, when Jesus was born. I reflect on the calm that prayer provides me in this most busy season. And I reflect on the many gifts that God has provided me in my life.  

I was blessed to be born into a family with loving parents. I am blessed to have a wonderful, loving and supportive spouse and two amazing adult children.  And I continue to be blessed with good health, much hope and great happiness. But each day that I walk into my office, I am reminded how blessed I am to work here in Holy Spirit. I am surrounded throughout the division by thoughtful and compassionate individuals. People who are faith filled and committed to making a difference in every child’s life that walks through our doors. And that is a blessing not just for me but for every parent and every child who calls Holy Spirit home.

As you begin your well deserved holidays, I would like to thank you for the blessings each of you provides to our students and each other. Take time to truly celebrate the season. Take time to spend with your loved ones. Take time to relax and rejuvenate.  And finally, take time to reflect on the blessings that God has bestowed on each of you.

Have a Merry Christmas filled with peace, joy and love. And may God bless you in the coming new year.


What’s really important in education?

Like most parents, I remember very clearly the day that our son and our daughter were born. Holding them in my arms that first time, I can guarantee you my first thoughts were not, “I sure hope they do well on their Provincial Achievement and Diploma Exams!” In fact, when I think back to their first days of school, I didn’t wish for that either. I wanted them to be healthy and happy. I wanted them to enjoy school like I did, to make friends, to love learning. I wanted them to love their teachers and for their teachers to really love them and to make them feel special. Although I’ve been reflecting on this for the last while, the point further resonated with me when I read the article, “Leave a mark, Not a grade.”

When I began my career in teaching, my goal was to make a difference in my students’ lives. As a coach, my goals always included learning, improving but most of all making an impact on my players’ lives. Making a difference in students’ lives is still my main goal as a superintendent. When I reflect on my time in the classroom or on a volleyball court, it is pretty easy to measure my level of success at making a difference. But as a superintendent, how do you measure whether I personally, or the system as a whole, are making a difference. The current system evaluates success based on standardized tests, surveys and other accountability pillar measures. The question is, “Does this really measure what’s important in education?”

Given my thoughts above, most would believe that I’m just another educator who doesn’t believe in accountability or standardized tests. In fact, quite the opposite! The billions of dollars spent on education is just one reason why accountability is required.  And standardized tests provide us with necessary benchmarks and rigour required for a high quality system. My issue is that the current accountability system only minutely measures what’s really important in education. Where in the color coded report card that every school division in Alberta receives does it tell me that we’ve made an impact on an individual student’s life? Furthermore, where does it tell us that the student has improved, is a better collaborator, critical thinker, problem solver, demonstrates immense creativity or any other of the 21st century skills required for tomorrow’s world.

I am hopeful with Alberta Education’s transformational agenda. Their vision from Inspiring Education to create an educational system that highlights the (1) Engaged thinker, (2) Ethical citizen and (3) Entrepreneurial Spirit, should be applauded. But for that reality to occur, each and every one of us must remember the hopes and dreams we have (had) for our children and grandchildren and ensure that what’s really important in education is what’s really measured!

Christmas is about Christ!

This past week an elementary school in the Ottawa area became a national news story when they chose to replace their traditional Christmas concert with a non-denominational February fest. I did a quick review of some of the 451 comments already posted and to say the least, it is an extremely controversial topic.  

Last Friday, I attended the first Christmas concert of the season hosted by St. Patrick Fine Arts Elementary. The title, “Christmas on the Brain”, would suggest that the school went with a more non-denominational theme. However, from the opening prayer led by the school principal to the final rap, the theme was certainly all about Christ. In our schools, Christmas is about Christ.  

We are blessed to have the opportunity to proclaim our faith in public. It is what makes Catholic Education unique and distinct. During this month of December, our schools will be organizing many Advent and Christmas celebrations. They will all involve Christ because it is what we do and who we are. Catholic Education is ALL about Christ.