Canadian politicians…time to wake up!

The other night, I watched the US Presidential debate and like most sane people, I was pretty dismayed by the entire debacle. It was certainly a low point if not the lowest for American politics. There wasn’t a simple stretch of the truth, instead, lies spewed and the decorum exhibited was deplorable! What we watched wasn’t a debate, it was a street fight. Radicals on either side may have seen something positive but for most people sitting and listening, nothing of substance around true policy or direction was shared.

If I was an American, I’d probably align more with the Republican mandate but there is absolutely no way that I could vote for Donald Trump. He is an ego maniac and a bully. More importantly, he has caused more division in the country (by not denouncing white supremacy or supporting peaceful protests) than any other president in recent history. The man is as far away from a true leader as can be humanly possible. Being humble is not likely in his vocabulary.

So what has that to do with Canada? Well, over the past number of years, we’ve started to head down the road of mud slinging politics. An acquaintance of mine grew up in Ottawa years ago and he and his buddies would head to Parliament often to watched the proceedings. He would tell you that the decorum during that time was classy. Debates were courteous, questions were tough but there was a lack of drama. In other words, politicians acted like the leaders they were elected to be.

During the beginning stage of the pandemic, I was proud of the majority of our Canadian politicians as they put the country first and party politics second. We were in a crisis and it was time to come together. That may be waning slightly now because it likely time to start thinking about checks and balances within this crisis. However, the bottom line is that disagreement on the floor should be done with integrity. Cat calls, rude comments, stunts and interruptions are not what we as a public should accept as proper behaviour by our politicians…no matter the party!

Living in Alberta, I’m more aware of our own provincial politics. I’ve been required to attend the legislature on a number of occasions and given my history, I would not send students to watch our provincial politicians during debate. There is not a classroom in the province run by a good teacher that behaves as poorly as many of our MLAs. This is not about picking sides because I’ve witnessed rude and obnoxious behaviour on both sides of the floor over many terms. Where is the class? Where is the appropriate decorum? Where are the respectful interactions? It seems that those characteristics of years gone by are few and far between and “staging” seems to be more important than meaningful discourse.

Unfortunately it is not only being seen in the Legislature but through social media as well. Politicians (from all sides) are flinging personal insults, making rude comments and in the end perpetuating a belief that nothing is ever good on one side or the other. Social media can be a powerful tool but it can also be a devastating weapon when used improperly. I think all politicians need to do a gut check to see if their behaviours or their comments in person or through social media are leading them more toward Trump style politics and if so…cease and desist!

I think our federal and provincial politicians should be applauded for responding to a call to serve. But note it is a call to serve not be served and a call to be humble and not arrogant. They deserve our respect because of the work that they do and the tough job that it is. But they should only earn our respect when they show respect not just to those who agree with their platform but more importantly to those who do not. Canadian politicians need to be leaders and as such…it is never about themselves.

Arrogance or rude and bullying behaviour have never been descriptors of high quality leaders. So let’s try and remove ourselves as far away as possible from Trump style politics and ensure nothing less from our politicians, to act with dignity and integrity and not with arrogance and a reality show mentality. We deserve that and quite frankly they should desire it too!

Messaging counts!

I had really hoped that through this pandemic the overall respect for what educators and systems do would improve. During out of class learning, there were more than enough parents who said something like, “I can’t keep up with my own 2 children, how do teachers do it with a class of 30?” I’m not sure whether that sentiment will continue on the positive path or instead only be fleeting.

Why? Why is so hard to convince the general public of the importance of educators?

For some, it is because they “think” they know what a teacher does since, they did go to school! They look at holidays or pay or workday or PD Days and believe that teachers have it pretty good. They choose the worst teacher they ever had and evaluate the entire teaching population based on that individual. Pretty easy to be negative! What they don’t see is behind the scenes, the hours of preparation and marking, the volunteer time and the stress of being responsible in many ways of raising someone else’s child. They also don’t see the glamour parts of the job like, cleaning up poop or being told to “F” off or being threatened by a bullying parent. No, they just think that teaching is a 8:30-3:30 job with weekends off and a lot of holidays!

Part of the issue is that teaching is experiential and unless you do it, you really don’t have a full understanding of the requirements. I would always forewarn new administrators coming right out of the classroom that what they thought administration was and what it was going to be like were very different. Most didn’t totally believe me, but they soon realized that administration like teaching was also experiential and, “You don’t know what you don’t know!” I always thought it was a great advantage for me as a superintendent to have taught from K-12, including Provincial Achievement Test grades and Diploma Exam subjects. So given that educational positions are so experiential, I think it will continue to be difficult to communicate what they do, to achieve a better understanding from the general public. So then how does education get the recognition is so richly deserves?

This is where I believe messaging counts both from an individual perspective and from teacher organizations. My daughter is a teacher and it gave me great pride that she chose the profession. However, I was dismayed at colleagues who thought she should choose a different profession because of the “state of education.” Do we really want to thwart our children’s passions because of the job is tough? It is not a good message to our own children and their friends that teaching isn’t highly regarded by us within the profession for a career. If we want the general public to have respect for educators then we must have the same respect for ourselves and clearly demonstrate that to our children and our students.

Have you ever been around a person that is always negative? It is not much fun! Pretty soon you either try to find a way to limit contact with that individual or simply go tone deaf. Unfortunately, we have those individuals in the profession too! Their constant whining that nothing is good enough or that the sky is always falling doesn’t provide much confidence in the system. There are people out there who are just waiting to shove the dagger in a little deeper and be able to say, “See educators are just whiners and certainly don’t deserve our respect and support!” Individual messaging counts!

Social media can be a breeding ground for negativity and especially now with this pandemic. While I’m sure that most people believe they are just advocating for themselves and their students, the negative overtones are front and center. Don’t get me wrong, there are still a far greater number of positive posts from teachers, but we know that most people will tend to gravitate to the negative if it is out there. I don’t know the exact line between advocating and complaining but somehow we need to bring forth more positive messages. Always try to advocate by telling the great things that are happening in the school or system rather than looking for something or someone to blame or to fault.

My point for individuals but especially for organizations is that the messaging can’t always be negative. You are not winning the battle if you consistently communicate that nothing is ever good enough. It would be most welcome if politicians, ALL POLITICIANS, led this movement to acknowledge strengths and good decisions rather than look for the negative and simply criticize everything on the other side.

When I was a superintendent, Alberta Education officials knew me pretty well as being a straight shooter. They knew that when decisions were made that supported student learning, I was their biggest fan. They also understood that when those decisions were contrary to what was best for students, staff and the system, I was their toughest critic. It would not have been unfair for me to only be their toughest critic when they deserved accolades too!

I would consider myself a liberal-minded conservative. I have not been pleased with some of decisions this government has made but I also wasn’t enamored by many of the decisions of the previous government. However, I can’t say enough good things about the work they did with curriculum. Contrary to popular thought, it wasn’t political in nature, it did have great stakeholder input and the timelines were very acceptable. I say this because even though I’m not a supporter of the previous government, they did some great work. All of their policies or decisions weren’t bad, in fact many of them were very strong. I’m guessing that when the dust settles, we will see that this government provided some positive outcomes as well.

The key point is that we can’t continually be negative and only look for things that are wrong and hope that our stature as a profession is elevated and ultimately the learning environment for our students is enhanced. Every decision made by a government or board, or educator can and likely should be scrutinized (ensuring you truly know all the facts and the context). However, if the comments on those decisions are only negative, then you’ve likely lost your ability to be objective and are missing your “fair” quotient! I don’t believe we should be silent, but in order to be a strong and successful advocate, it needs to be done without constantly pointing fingers and playing the blame game. Hint…eventually nobody listens to you!!!

As the saying goes, you will always attract more bees with honey than vinegar so, let’s use a little more honey going forward!

September constants…always relationships!

The start of school, typically in September has a couple of constants. First, everybody gets sick! We have a heightened awareness because of COVID 19, but let’s face it, students and staff often get sick during this first month of school. Students and staff have typically lost some of their immunity factors over the summer and the ramped up schedule for both tends to lead to more illness at home and at school.

The second constant for the school start is the critical importance of adults building strong relationships with students. This year, the need to foster effective and trusting relationships with students, parents and guardians is even greater. There continues to be a high level of anxiety out there, (some warranted and some not) and students first need to feel safe and supported in their learning environment. Media hysteria, social media rants or politically motivated misinformation about how schools are ill prepared don’t make it easy for educators in schools. The good news however is that compassionate educators always tend to push these distractions aside and focus on relationships.

Prior to the start of the school year I was invited to present to an elementary staff on school culture and relationships. With regular in-school attendance being interrupted for almost six months, the general public may believe that the 3 Rs: Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic should be the primary focus coming back into school. However, my contention then and now is that the 3Rs to be attended to are: Relationships! Relationships! Relationships!

Of interest, is that in many standards for teachers and leaders, the first competency is always around fostering effective relationships. Great teachers and great leaders always build strong relationships with their people…little or big! Yet the push from some governments and the general public is to elevate the standards usually by imposing unnecessary high stakes testing. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in constantly improving the educational experience of our students and I’m adamant that data should be used to inform our instructional practice. But higher standards or “better graduates” won’t come about if we don’t first focus on relationships. The issue is well characterized in the photo below.

Dr. Jody Carrington would be all over this slide because it speaks of connection and in essence, that is what strong relationships are…connections.

Why would teacher and leader standards have relationships as their first competency if it wasn’t that important? Every September should be the start or re-start of building relationships that carry on throughout the year. If we don’t get that right…then we really aren’t getting education right!!!




Don’t forget about your people!

Some leaders are people first while others tend to be more policy driven. The very best can walk in both worlds quite easily but if a leader needs to choose, I would always suggest working on relationships. Many organizations and especially small school divisions were run like small “mom & pop” corner stores. There wasn’t much written down in terms of regulations and everybody just knew how things worked. Unfortunately our world has shifted so that those types of “laissez faire” operations have become almost non-existent. Employment rifts, poor relationships between management and employees and a litigation happy society has created this outcome. And sometimes, rules are required to be made because of “stupid” decisions of staff.

I’m not against policies and regulations and during my time as a Superintendent of Schools, I needed to establish some strict directives and make some tough decisions. I agonized over decisions about cancelling some trips that I knew were of great benefit for students but also knew that their safety was in potential jeopardy. I never wanted to be known as the superintendent who bankrupted the division because of a poor decision around policy. There is always a fine balance between people first and policy first and honestly, sometimes I got it right and sometimes I didn’t. But one thing I learned through my many years in leadership, it is pretty easy to judge that line when you’re in the cheap seats and have no skin in the game.

There are rules that are clearly defined, very specific and there is no other way than “this or that.” Anything involving money is pretty specific and as example after example shows, even nice people commit fraud if you don’t have tight controls. However, not all policy is or should be “black or white.” One of the things I always looked for in any policy or regulation was the gray area. Laws should never be broken but policies should be adaptive enough to have some breathing room. Your best leaders, those who lead with compassion and not simply “by the book” will always look at the intent of the policy and how its application will create a win-win scenario for both management and employee. Policies should never be to advantage one side or the other but rather be a guide for appropriate and acceptable decisions, and actions. Too often they are used as a hammer to curb usually a small percentage of rogue employees. While that saddens me to write that sentence, I know it is true because every organization has rogue employees or leaders who lack compassion and proper relationship building skills.

In the next couple of weeks, schools are going to be open for business and there is going to be a strong requirement for compliance reporting. We are still in the midst of a pandemic and if you think the paperwork was excessive for occupational health and safety standards this will be worse. School personnel will be required to keep accurate records to ensure the safety of students and staff. It is going to be another task placed on an already full plate! Make no mistake, this requirement is critical going forward and cannot be seen as just another hoop to jump through. Frustrating as it is, school divisions, governments and more importantly departments of health need this very accurate information to limit widespread infections.

Here is my point- divisional staff and government officials need to be patient with school personnel. There are a lot of moving parts in a school and…

If everything is important, then nothing is.” -Patrick Lencioni ...

Policies and regulations need to be relaxed or at the very least the “gray” found so that the most important aspects of schooling can be accomplished. Every report is not critical, every task is not essential but the health and well being of staff and students is!!! You want massive sick leave…keep piling on the non-essential reports or other tasks that in the grand scheme of things make your life as a manager easier but theirs as employees, not so much! That is why, especially in this time of pandemic, don’t forget about your own people and therefore lead with people in mind first!

Preparing for the return of students! Part II

This pandemic threw traditional education a major curve ball. Remote learning became the norm and this shift in instructional practice, may have been smooth for some teachers and parents but for the most part, it was a difficult transition. GOOD!

Now before anybody gets mad about my opinion, let’s be clear that the pandemic results, namely, death, infection and economic turmoil has not been positive. It has been hellish for people around the world. Nor do I want to downplay the tremendous role of educators and school systems in providing the best possible substitute for learning. Watching school divisions here in Alberta and across Canada pivot on a dime to support teachers in creating engaging remote learning was very impressive.

But even with all of the “blood, sweat and tears” put into remote learning it will always be a shallow substitute to the in class, face to face, social expertise provided by the teacher. I’m not against online learning and in fact believe it should be mandatory for all students to take at least one full course at some point and time in their education. I recognize as well that the online environment is life saving and necessary for some students and therefore should always be an option. However, the best case scenario will always be within the bricks and mortar of a school…at least part of the time.

I’m reminded of the work of Dr. Jody Carrington and the need for students (and adults) to feel connected. This connection is NOT through technology or measured by the number of friends of Facebook or the likes on Instagram. Rather, it is connections made from being face to face and side by side. In a world where we can FaceTime someone across the ocean, we barely have time to say hello to our neighbours. Schools continue to play a critical role in socializing children and helping them understand the importance of the common good, not just personal rights and freedoms. While we should always believe that our own children are unique, their egocentric behaviour doesn’t help grow a more compassionate society and sharing space with others in a school setting assists in that goal.

For many years, we’ve talked about 21st century learning (even though we are 20 years into it) and how the delivery of education needed to change. We know that any major shift or change occurs with some type of disruption, and this pandemic has certainly been a significant disruption! That is why it is good!

We now have the ability to create an educational system suited for today’s students. One that is flexible enough to allow for students who truly need to be in school everyday and for those who only need to attend on a part time basis. Not every student requires to be in a seat in school every single day- teachers know this and so do most parents. There is no possible way to social distance in most schools and this may alleviate some space issues. Smaller class sizes have always been preferred and this may actually achieve this desire even for part time. We’ve learned well from our remote learning experiment and those strategies will be able to be instituted for part time students. Learning needs to become more continuous instead of the often start and stop method we employ now. While I was a principal in a northern community years ago, we established demand and work classes that allowed for direct instruction of key outcomes and tutorial sessions as students worked through learning packets. With the support of technology, this provides a possible solution.

We have also come to realize during this pandemic, as I’ve seen from so many families out and about, the importance of getting outdoors and being active. The research is pretty clear about the positive outcomes associated with physical activity and learning. Yet, we still limit recesses, lunch hours and play times for the sake of the “curriculum.” While a strong curriculum is necessary, we cannot afford to continue to teach so many learning outcomes. Key outcomes leading to the successful completion of a grade and essential learning for the grade(s) to follow are essential but beyond that… It is time for governments to develop curriculum that allows for deep exploration of relative content rather than for skimming topics in order to “get through it.”

School needs to be real life and so experiences beyond the classroom must be part of the new normal. Hands on activities, opportunities for creative projects, collaborative endeavours and learning that connects to the local community are required. Schools are constantly chastised for preparing only “book learned” graduates but, that is how the system is measured and ultimately rewarded. We can and should do better than that!

Finally, we need to ensure that our schools focus first on relationships when students return. For many of our students, they have been living in trauma situations since COVID-19 hit. They may be seeking some routines to ground them but more than anything, they just want to be connected to the adults in the building. Teachers are professionals because they have a unique body of knowledge that allows them to teach. More importantly though, they care and that is why they are invaluable to our society. When students return, remember the three R’s- Relationships! Relationships! Relationships!

Remember, we are creating a new normal, not simply trying to impose what we used to do on a vastly different landscape. Years ago I heard the saying, “People would rather do the wrong thing competently than the right thing incompetently.” While we’ve not necessarily been wrong in our approach to schooling, we’ve tended to be comfortable. Creating a new normal requires us to learn to be uncomfortable and sometimes feel incompetent. Many teachers felt this way when they went into remote learning but they survived and in fact, many thrived. That is what coming through this pandemic is allowing us to do. It is allowing us to get out of our normal routines and build something even better. Let’s make sure that we take something good and positive out of this tough situation that we have endured.

Preparing for the return of students! Part I

When I first contemplated this article, it was going to be from the perspective of “after the pandemic.” Unfortunately, the pandemic appears to be far from over and in some areas, record infections are becoming the norm. With schools in the United States opening soon and just over a month for Canadian schools, governments are trying to provide some direction and school districts are making multiple plans given the ever changing impacts of COVID-19.

I GET the desire of government officials to have a priority of re-booting the economy. This pandemic has been disastrous in so many ways and the need to get people back to work and money flowing is understandable. But if the economy is the only set of lenses that we are looking through, we’ve lost what is most important in our society…the people! And I will be even more blunt, as some government leaders demand that schools return to “pre-pandemic” conditions, we’re not thinking very highly of our children.

It seems contrary to logic that we are being told to mask up (which I agree with), practice social distancing, avoid congested areas, limit seating capacity in restaurants and then make schools return to near normal operations. I truly believe that most government officials (especially those in Canada) don’t want to put students, educators and those in and around the school community at risk but strong leadership, thoughtful direction and planning and…here it comes, additional funding to support this transitional time are a must. I recognize how this last requirement of additional funding is difficult to swallow given the amount of dollars already expended and the lost revenues during this pandemic. But, let’s be reminded of the words of Hippocrates, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

These are desperate times and so we need to support measures that will foster a safe environment in schools and limit (as much as possible) the roller coaster of emotions being felt by system administrators, school personnel, parents and the general community. I know that most school divisions desire their own autonomy to make decisions but this might not be the best time. We may need more uniformity in some areas during this ongoing pandemic. For example, Plant Operations and Maintenance Funding should be increased to support additional custodial staff in order to implement enhanced cleaning protocols. Although this is generally enveloped money, many divisions squeeze out available dollars to support in-classroom teaching and supports. While some divisions may have surplus dollars that could be used for this, others may have practiced a “spend today’s dollars on today’s students” budgeting approach.” Without funding, divisions and ultimately schools can become “haves and have nots.” In education systems that believe in success for ALL students, winners and losers because of funding should not be acceptable.

We know that parents will run the gamut on sending their own children to school or not to supporting mask wearing or not. There will likely be a flux in student attendance over the first months or longer depending on infection and death rates. Schools will need to be able to support both in person and online education and those dollars must be available to provide public confidence and ensure the continuity of high quality learning. Staffing is going to be an added cost this coming year since infections typically target adults and not children. School staffs are inadvertently going to get sick from the coronavirus or other illnesses and be required to stay home. In the previous school divisions I’ve worked, substitute or supply teachers were not always readily available and that could potentially become a grave issue. Alternate solutions may need to be explored to ensure learning continues at a high quality.

The bottom line is that governments and teachers’ associations/unions need to stop puffing out their chests like bantam roosters and start working together. Every shred of professional leadership literature speaks of the importance of collaboration and when we are in these times (and really all times) COLLABORATION is a must. Turf wars cannot be fought, egos need to be put on hold and rude and antagonistic comments need to stop…PERIOD! We are in debt and will continue to go into debt due to this pandemic…that is a fact. But let’s not make decisions that revolve solely around finances lead us in the planning for a return of students to school. We can do better! WE MUST DO BETTER!

Losing a young man!

It has been quite awhile since I’ve put my words down, but I’ve thought about this next message since last week. Why? Well last week, a good friend of our son, committed suicide. While there is great sadness when anyone takes his or her own life, some suicides seem to be more uncharacteristic than others. This one was very shocking because quite honestly, there never seemed to be any visible signs of internal struggle. This young man, appeared to have everything going for him, was always the life of the party and a comedian extraordinaire.

I’ve watched the disbelief in my son and his friends’ words and actions. That guilt question is always close to the surface, “Why didn’t I see it coming?” And, like with many tragic deaths, the “what ifs” start to spin out of control. Everybody wants an answer in order to make sense of why this young man would take his own life and yet there will never be any one that is satisfactory. He was hurting inside and nobody, neither family nor friends, knew how much and to what degree. And that is why this one was so shocking.

Being in education, it would be rare not to have been impacted by a student (present or past) suicide. Some may be more suspected”expected” than others, but all our tragic. It is difficult for me to imagine a person facing so much despair and feeling so alone that the only decision is suicide. Maybe that’s part of the problem… I, and like many don’t seem to understand that silent despair or more importantly choose not to be willing to understand it and instead continue to “sweep those issues under the table” because it is easier! Let’s just not talk about depression or anxiety or any other mental health challenge. For us it may be easier but for those suffering in silence, NEVER!

The fact of the matter is that death by suicide occurs far too often and is more prevalent in men.

The challenges around speaking up about mental health issues continues to exist in our society. We’ve made some great strides in supporting mental health in the last number of years but there is still so much more to be done. There remains a shroud of taboo when mental health issues are discussed, especially for males. This is where as a society we have to do better and stop accepting the “man up” approach to problems. Silence is not golden in this situation and in fact exacerbates the problem.

Depression, anxiety or any other mental health issue are real for people and need to be brought to the forefront and not kept deep inside or masked behind other “socially acceptable traits.” It is important that we build great resilience in our children and young adults but also help them understand and more importantly fully welcome a sense of vulnerability. This is not simply on parents but rather on all of us to build a more gentle and kind society. Suicide rates, especially for males will continue to increase without our intervention.

I feel great sorrow for this young man’s family and friends and my own heart aches for our son. One suicidal death to one too many and so we must do better.

If you are that person struggling, don’t keep it inside or mask it with other emotions but instead open up and find someone who you can share your issues with. And if you are that person who is the friendly ear, listen, don’t judge and assist in accessing the help required. Be kind, be gentle and simply be there! Even one suicide prevented is worth it!

Thanks to educators during this pandemic and beyond!

On March 29th, I wrote the following blog post, “A Personal Message to All Educators.” I’m not sure whether this is simply a follow up, or instead this next blog post is for the general public but regardless, I think it is an important piece to write.

It is easy to recognize our health care professionals and first responders as heroes during this pandemic. Their dedication has been nothing but incredible and I’m pretty confident that their status in the minds of the general public will continue to be extremely high once this crisis ends. They deserve every accolade they receive, plain and simple.

But there is another group of individuals who have stepped it up during this pandemic and should be recognized…TEACHERS! With students not being able to attend school in person, teachers with the support of their divisions, have had to initiate remote learning. The loss of face to fact contact, resources in reach and personal connection has made the majority of teachers feel like it is their first year of teaching all over again…but different! You see, even our most recent graduates from teacher institutes were never prepared to teach remotely. Practical experience was always in a classroom with students present.

Many teachers have previously integrated technology into their practice but this is at a whole different level. In pre-pandemic time, teachers planned lessons for “present” students and utilized a variety of techniques to engage students. Technology may have been used as part of whole class instruction or it may to have been used to support remedial or enrichment learning. But the vast majority of people should assume that technology or any “program” will never be a substitute for high quality instruction within the confines of bricks and mortar.

Yet, we now have teachers who have placed that assumption aside to provide learning that is not a stop gap (as some politicians have suggested) but rather a continuation of what was occurring prior to the closures of schools. It is difficult enough to deliver curriculum to students with immense diversity in learning within any class (which is generally too large) in a face to face scenario and now educators are being asked to do the same through remote learning. Delivering curriculum today is not about telling students to “Read chapter 7 and answer the questions at the end of the chapter”- That is just poor teaching whether it is face to face or remote.

Teachers in this remote world are finding ways not just to deliver content but to also engage students. Their preparation leads to instruction through homemade videos, step by step activities for home use and differentiated assignments. They are searching for new ways to assess the progress of learning, from students who not only have diverse needs, but also within the context of great or little support at home. And most important, they are searching for opportunities to connect with the students they teach, checking on both their learning and their mental health. All these things that good teachers did pre-pandemic, are now being accomplished in a remote environment, where few teachers ever lived or were accustomed. It may not be perfect, but without educators, leading the charge, most children and especially the most marginalized would be falling through the cracks!

In mid- April, I came across actress Drew Barrymore speaking about the struggles she was having “home schooling” her own two children. In the article she states that she has learned to appreciate teachers even more. And that my readers, is the key, not only now but after this crisis is over. We must start to recognize and appreciate the overall teaching profession. It is time to admit that just because you went to school you have no understanding of what a teacher really does during her 24 hours. You may understand the joy or frustration in your own children’s learning but the teacher lives that for ALL of her students each day and often each night.

Yes, there are poor teachers out there. With the exception of two years, I’ve been “in school” since I’ve been six years old. Over that 50 year period, I’ve witnessed poor teachers as a student, as a parent, as a colleague and administrator. But those numbers during my half century educational life are few. While they may be easily remembered, sadly, it is also easy to forget all of those teachers who helped us on our learning journey sometimes overtly but most often in the background, with their influence unknown.

The famous statement, “Those who can do and those who can’t teach” is an insult to those in the educational system. It should be pretty clear in today’s scenario that trying to engage a couple of your own children at home on a daily basis is taxing at best. Teachers do this all the time and not with just two in the classroom but 22 or 32 or sometimes even 42. One of the characteristics of a professional is the possession of a specialized knowledge. For teachers, that is not just knowledge of the curriculum but more importantly the knowledge of pedagogy. Simply put, it is their ability to teach so students can learn.

So if you are reading this as a teacher, take a well deserved bow before you go back to being engaged in continuous improvement and searching for even better ways to improve student learning. If you are a parent, take a minute to contact your child’s teacher and just say thanks. And if you are member of the general public, commit to raising the status of the teaching profession and honour the vital role they play in our society today!

The leaders we need especially in times of crisis!

“Leaders should never engage in self serving politics during a time of crisis.”

Unless you are “very” old, you are part of a population that has never faced this type of epidemic in this lifetime. We are in unprecedented times and the requirement of leaders to lead with integrity is essential. Regardless of your political viewpoint, left, right or down the middle, politics during a crisis situation is never favoured and should never be accepted.

“Don’t be the leader who believes his only purpose after an election is to get re-elected in the next election!”

Those who believe that leadership is easy are naive at best. Great leaders make tough and compassionate decisions all the time. Often these decisions may seem to be counter cultural because they go against the flow. It is far easier to make a decision that supports the views of that small, but very loud group who disagrees. But this is where the great leader, faces the angry crowd and makes decisions based on the correct data and not based on his own ego or popularity. If you can’t make those decisions, if the heat is too much in kitchen…get out, because you don’t belong in your leadership role!

“Great leaders never throw their underlings under the bus. They always take one on their own chin first.”

“Praise in public, criticize in private.” Great leaders lead by that mantra and are probably more skilled at the act of discipline than those who simply react by saying, “You’re fired!” An old friend once reminded me that, “When you point your finger at someone, remember that you have three pointing back at you.” When you make a mistake, own it and when one who reports to you does the same, always own it in public. That is the test of true leadership. Blaming others to make yourself look better is never acceptable!

In this time of crisis, we need leaders who transcend the ordinary and assist us in getting through and getting by. Our leaders need to be honest but they also have to provide us with hope. Being political or self serving or anything that smells selfish in nature cannot be tolerated. Leaders need to be about serving the greater good and not their own good!

Those are the leaders we need!

Just be nice!

This weekend is tough for many people around the world. Where many would be attending family gatherings or celebrating their faith, instead, we remain (or should be) self isolated. This is certainly not the version I had in my head of my first Easter since my retirement and not the version for any. But now that we are here, I offer some simple advice…”Just be nice!”

It is amazing how many in our world have expressed gratitude and kindness to friends and strangers alike. Everyday, there are touching examples of people reaching out and sometimes in the most simplistic gestures making a difference in the lives of others. Mainstream media has been very good at highlighting these individuals and the many examples of kindness and gratitude are constantly exploding on social media.

Sadly, the opposite is true as well. Social media trolls, as I like to call them, are also present to complain about things and berate others. Finger pointing is their mode of operation and neither gratitude nor kindness are anywhere to be seen. For me, what might be most frustrating is that many of these gutless people would seldom make those comments face to face but choose to hide behind an often invisible platform.

In the 10-80-10 principle, 10% of the people out there account for the positives while an equal percentage tend to be always negative. The rest of us fall into the middle category and can be swayed one way or the other.

10-80-10: A Model for Leading Change | Atomic Learning Blogs ...

In this crisis situation, we need as many people as possible to swing to the positive and lift up, not put down others. This “lift up” action doesn’t take much more than to just be nice and those who especially can, to demonstrate an “attitude of gratitude.”

text over a background picture of a person

We have many in our communities who are being severely impacted by COVID 19 and deserve our support. But there are others who are just plain negative and unable to see the many blessing they have compared to others. To you I say, “Shame on you! Your cross is not that burdensome!”

As we come out of this Easter weekend, share the hope that has been provided in the resurrection. Smile a little more, send a message or make a phone call to someone who might be in need, but most of all… JUST BE NICE!